I can feel it....

There are days. More days than not. That I cant feel it. There are weeks when there are only brief moments of it.
This is not one of those weeks.
I'm talking the feeling of having a child WITH special NEEDS.
Do we do things every single day that most parents dont do? absolutely. But its just our life.
Do we deal with issues that most dont think aout? Probably. But it really becomes normal.
So sometimes when I have a week like this one it kind of punches me right in the gut.
We've been trying to get certain medical equipment for Toby for 2 weeks now. With zero results. well finally some today. Which meant numerous phone calls and lots of stress.
We have an appointment every day this week but Friday.
We found out today that Toby's speech level is at the age of a two year old. We found out Toby needs speech therapy 2 xs a week. That puts us at 4xs a week now. We also are signed up for an ocupational therapy evaluation which if needed will put us at 6 times a week every week for therapy!! My heart started pounding at the thought of it.
Toby just got glasses last week after a 3 hour appointment. And now are dealing with the glasses battle.
We are dealing with questions and concerns for his braces and belt (appointment on wednesday)
Pushing tons of Goals for therapy (appointments Tuesday and Thursday)
And waiting for the phone call to schedule the ocupational evaluation.
So needless to say. I am feeling it!! I think our whole family is. This on top of homeschooling for the first time in my whole entire life. It's been crazy. My stomach has hurt worst than it probably ever has.
I know that God's grace is all I need to get through this week. I know that I will get through it. That next week I will either look back and say, "How in the world did I survive?" Or Ill say "Not too bad."
But it's the way it goes with a child like Toby. We have most days where its just life. Day in and Day out things we deal with but its our normal.
I'm so thankful that this is not our normal!! But I sure am feeling the stress this week.
Please keep us ALL in your prayers. I fuss about me, but Toby is the one really dealing with all of it full force.
Just wanted to add a funny picture that says it all for me this week. I tried to switch things up and do our math lesson outside...


Marissa Hess said…
I'm so sorry about the stress right now. You are, of course, right that God's grace will sustain you...but that doesn't mean that life is easier on the day to day basis. Please know that you will be prayed for.....hugs and prayers. Marissa
Anonymous said…
love u guys & praying for u all
Sarah said…
Hang in there. I understand how you are feeling with the therapy overload, etc. Next week will be better! It has to be, right?
Scasmflops said…
Love, prayers, and a big hug to you guys. Yes, we feel it and we always will but I also hope you feel the support that you have and that you do feels God's strength and grace.

ps. Toby is doing so great!!!!! We are watching miracles happen, hang in there and rejoice!!

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