mother's day for me
wow it's been a while!!! since January!!! awww im a bad blogger!! well, mother's day a good day to start back. I'm sitting here at the end of the day, a long day. All the kids are in bed, hopefully sleeping and I just read a great post over at the SBkids blog and it just got me thinking. You know something makes me proud, prouder than usual on mother's day. It's being a mom of a child with special needs. I'll be honest there have been times I want to hide those needs from the world. (not my best moments) but then there all times when I want to shout it. Mother's day makes me want to shout it. I go through most days just living life, just doing what we do. Dealing with therapists galore, doctor's appointments, new medical junk, finding place for new medical junk, braces, splints, scolosis. and I just deal and keep going. There are few friends that have the ummmmm bad chance of answering their phone when I'm having a bad day. You know, those bad days w...