
Showing posts from July, 2010

Social Security...Oh How We Love You!

So, I know it's either tons of posts or nothing at all for a while. Well, this one is totally worth posting. It couldn't have waiting for a better time. We got our letter from SSI today. And... Drum Roll.... Based on the facts they have received We will not being paying them back the 5,000.00 due to the fact that it was their fault!! Love it!! Love it!! Love it!! We had planned on getting a lawyer and fighting even more if we been rejected yet again, But hooray!!! We don't have to go down that road! I know many of you have been praying and asking about it. So that's it. Such a long drawn out process to end with such a simple letter, but we are so thankful for our little letter. Nate even joked we should laminate it and frame it!! :)

Holding Hands

This past week was our first double duty therapy. Tuesdays and Thursday Physical Therapy session for Toby. Between that and getting ready for VBS my poor house has suffered. For that reason this will be a short but sweet post. If you read my last post over at SpinabifidaKids you would have read that Toby stood on his own for the first time. Selina (our new PT for Toby) has really sparked some strong desires for us and really set the standard quite high. But oh it's so worth it. Toby has walked with his arm crutches on his own!! Now this isnt the I'm standing at the kitchen and he takes steps across the living room all by himself. This is a painstaking process of me making promise after promise to not let him fall just to get that first step with my hands just inches from his arms. It goes something like this. Mommy: Toby do you trust mommy? Toby: Yes..but but but...*tears* Mommy: Toby I promise I'm not gonna let you fall. I promise. Toby: *sobbing* Mommy: What's scary T...


I wrote a post today for the spinabfidakids blog, but I really thought it belonged over here too, being that it was mainly about Toby. and since this blog is called raisingtoby! : ) Click Here to read my post over at the SpinaBifidaKids blog.

It's been a while

just felt like i needed to add a picture. Well let me give you the general news...its been a while. Lovely medicaid has decided to take forever to approve ANYTHING. But low and behold everything has finally been put through the system. Toby now has AFOs!!!! The short braces we have been praying for! With these braces came twister cables that attach all the way up to a belt on his waist. This has not come without some problems. We ended up with some serious sores and such for a little while, but got the belt readjusted and now we are good to go. God has really protected us from potentially serious issues. We have yet to start therapy with Selina. However, we did get to go meet her and do an evaluation. Therapy will start this following week. You wont believe what she said at our evaluation. Okay, yes you will, because we have a pretty incredible God. She said that she believes Toby is..and I quote, "An excellent canidate for independant walking." Did you catch that? Let me r...