Got Grace?
Two blogs in Two days??? My kids must be really well behaved lately or my house must really be a mess. Ill let you use your imagination of how I have time for this. Yesterday a dear friend of mine posted an article about breastfeeding. I'll sum it up for you. Sometimes breast feeding doesn't work out for everyone, sometimes you have reasons for not choosing to nurse. and that's okay. The whole point of the article is that's okay. This sweet friend posted this article with me in mind. And Ill tell you why. Ill share my secret. Ready..... I'm not nursing Wren. After trying and trying and trying for weeks. After her landing in the hospital with jaundice because she wasn't eating and her bilirubin was sky rocketing I decided to give her a bottle. With much sadness I stuck that bottle in her mouth in a gloomy hospital room with a nurse standing over me. It was lonely, sad, devastating, and depressing. I had lactation consultant after lactation consultant...